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We bring you the latest news related to each upcoming election. We not only focus on the big elections, but also on the smaller elections and political issues that affect our community. Each issue comes complete with candidate information, polling information, and compelling articles to keep you informed. Get your Free copy of The Fort Bend Voter News and stay up to date with all the latest and greatest voting information.
Get updated candidate information and their political views. Learn about each candidate and what they plan to offer if elected. Find out their stance on current situations that affect our community. We provide you a convenient resource to obtain all the campaign information needed to help you make an informed decision on election day.
We distribute our paper all throughout Fort Bend County and along bordering areas. We print an average of 20,000 circulars per month which are delivered to resident homes, neighborhood businesses, by postal mail, and handed out during local events. We also have a digital version that we send via e-blast and also available for download via our website. Fort Bend Voter News has more ways to keep the citizens connected and informed in the county for free.
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